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Communication Concepts And Media Ethics

Types of Communication:

1. inter-personal and intra-personal communication

2. oral and written communication
3. mass communication
4. organizational communication
5. verbal and non-verbal communication
6. one-way communication
7. graphical communication
8. visual communication
9. privileged communication
10. computer mediated communication
11. inter-cultural communication
12. inter-racial communicationa
13. international communication


interpersonal communication
inter-personal communication is the communication that occurs between two people

intra-personal communication

Intra-personal communication is the study and development of self.  intra-personal communication exists when someone talks to himself or herself. We can define it as Thinking.


oral and written communication
Almost all forms of communication with the exception of non-verbal communication are either oral or written communication.
Oral: conversations, oral agreements, speeches etc.
Written:  letters, memos, written agreements, books etc.


mass communication
A message is communicated to millions of receivers simultaneously.
Ex: Newspapers, television, Speakers in large meeting


organizational communication
It is established communication networks and the communication flow within organizations and an organization’s communication climate. Types of organizational communication are business communication, managerial
communication, and sales communication.


Verbal communication
is the communication that uses language, speech, and writing.

non-verbal communication

communication of conscious and unconscious feelings through posture and gestures without using spoken or written language.


One-way communication
is one in which information is always transferred in only one pre-assigned direction.
Ex: broadcast stations, one-way intercom systems, and wireline news services.


Graphic communications
is the processes and industries that create, develop, produce, and disseminate products utilizing or incorporating words or pictorial images to convey information, ideas, and feelings.


Visual communication
is about communicating using a combination of – words both spoken and written and images.


Privileged communication
Conversation that takes places within the context of a protected relationship, such
as that between an attorney and client, a husband and wife, a priest and a confessor, and a doctor and patient 


Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
is the process by which people create, exchange, and perceive information using networked telecommunications systems (or non-networked computers) that facilitate encoding, transmitting, and decoding messages.


Inter-cultural communication
Interaction with people from different cultural backgrounds, a process of exchanging, negotiating and mediating one's cultural differences through language, non-verbal gestures and spaces relationships.

Intra-cultural Communication

communication between members of the same culture.


Interracial Communication
communication between members of different races (which pertains to physical characteristic).

Interethnic Communication

communication between members of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds


International Communication
communication between nations and governments

Cross-cultural Communication

study of a particular idea or concept within many cultures to compare one culture to another on the given concept.

Primary Forms of Communication Channels & their Advantages & Disadvantages

The principal communication channels are nonverbal, oral, and written.

Electronic channels—including the telephone, radio, television, electronic mail, and electronic conferencing—employ one or more of the principal channels using technology to augment the channel.

1. Nonverbal
Related imageIt includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, dress and other aspects of appearance, space, time, and paralanguage.
Nonverbal communication typically communicates attitudes, feelings, status, and other emotional messages.
The face and body show others whether a person is happy, sad, angry, conciliatory, agitated, or calm. In conversation, nonverbal messages provide insight into what another person is thinking and feeling but may not be saying.

2 Oral

It any type of interaction that makes use of spoken words. It is communication through the mouth, it can be direct or telephonic.

Image result for advantage and disadvantages of oral communication

3) Written
Expression of human language by means of visible signs.

Types of Electronic Communication
a) Telephone - Fastest and Economical.

b) Radio - Local level advertising

c) Television - Combines both audio and visual information, Expensive

d) Electronic Mail - Quick, Convenient | Errors possible

e) Electronic Conferencing

f) Web-based Communication - World Wide Web, Website

Inter-Personal Communication theories
1. Attribution Theory
2. Constructivism
3. Elaboration Likelihood Model
4. Social Judgment Theory
5. Social Penetration Theory
6. Uncertainty Reduction Theory

1. Attribution Theory
Attribution Theory assumes that people try to determine why people do what they do.

2. Constructivism

3. Elaboration Likelihood Model

there are two paths to persuasion: the central path and the peripheral path.
The central path: The central path is most appropriately used when the receiver is motivated to think about the message and has the ability to think about the message.
The peripheral path: Unable or not motivated to listen to the message.  If the receiver is unlikely to elaborate the message, or if the available arguments are weak, then the peripheral route to persuasion should be used.

4. Social Judgment Theory Persuasion occurs at the end of the process where a person understands a message then compares the position it advocates the person's position on that issue.
A person's position on an issue is dependent on:
The person's most preferred position
- The person's judgment of the various alternatives
- The person's level of ego-involvement with the issue

3 Parts of the Social Judgment Theory
1. Latitude of acceptance
2. Latitude od Rejection
3. Latitude of Noncommitment.

5. Social Penetration Theory
Social Penetration Theory asserts that as relationships develop, person’s communication evolves from superficial to deeply personal topics, slowing penetrating the communicators' public persona to reach their core personality or sense of self.

6. Uncertainty Reduction Theory
The Uncertainty Reduction Theory asserts that people have a need to reduce uncertainty about others by gaining information about them. Information gained can then be used to predict the others' behavior. 

3 Types
1. Passive strategies: We observe the person, either in situations where the other person is likely to be self-monitoring (Ex: Search about him on facebook)
2. Active Strategies: We ask others about the person we're interested in or try to set up a situation where we can observe that person
3. Interactive strategies: We communicate directly with the person. 
